Thursday, August 30, 2012

Opening the Heart Door

Following up on yesterday's post, is a practice I developed during the retreat. I call it 'Opening the Heart Door' practice. It is not easy, but well worth the effort. It goes like this:

Whenever meeting of thinking of someone,
get in touch with your heart place
and visualize the door of your heart.
Is the door open, or closed?
How much love does it let out, or in?
If open, notice the sweetness of a fully open heart,
and rejoice.
If closed, even if just a little, notice the pain attached.
How does it manifest in the body?
What are some contributing thoughts?
Angry, blaming, wishful, hateful,
name them all, one by one.
Thoughts about you, thoughts about the other person,
thoughts about the situation.
And then, comes the hard part . . .
Getting in touch with all the love in your heart,
practice releasing those thoughts,
and visualize opening the door.
See what happens, without judgment.
If necessary, contemplate new thoughts,
wise thoughts to replace the old ones.
And remember, it is up to you
to open the door of your heart.

This practice is particularly useful when dealing with difficult people. We can look at them as our most formidable love teachers. If we can open the door of our heart to them, we've got it made, as far as love is concerned . . . 


  1. So many talented love teachers out there - novices like the guy that butts in front of you in line, more skilled teachers like family members, and grand masters like serial killers and genocide architects. With so much love teaching proficiency out there, how can we not learn the art of love? :)

  2. David, the only answer is that we must be a lazy and inattentive pupils.

  3. Another possible answer: it takes time and skillful effort to see things as they really are, in this case the pain from our habitual ways. We are so programmed to slam the door on our heart!

  4. This is a good practice and not always easy for sure. I like David's comment about "love teachers". I will try this in my next meditation...
    thank you!

  5. Michele, I wish you to practice well! Let us know how it worked . . .

  6. I think "Love thy neighbour" is a simple way of expressing this.
