Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Sixth Hour

"Don't forget the sixth hour!" 

Eric leaves us with these words, as we are about to head home, after our weekly, five hour shift at Zen Hospice.

The sixth hour, means taking one hour just for ourselves, before we transition back into our daily lives. Today, I went for a long walk, part walking meditation, part listening to a dharma talk on my iPhone. 

For those of you engaged in service, what is your version of the sixth hour? How do you take care of yourselves? Do you always find the time? If not, what gets in the way?


  1. Awesome. An hour is all it takes they say to reset the world. A peaceful and focused meditation is imperative to inner revolution .. Many thanks

  2. I find that every single day benefits from setting aside at least this restorative hour. My sixth hour often is restorative yoga (a looooong, supported savasana). Or a slow walk around the hill. Or a warm bath. Thank you for the post and these questions, Marguerite.

  3. Yes, imagine what the world would be like if we all took an nth hour for ourselves . . .
