Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Putting Aside Greed and Distress

Taking the time to sit this morning, I find comfort in these words from the Satipatthana Sutta:

'putting aside greed & distress with reference to the world'

It works for me to know that this practice is about putting a temporary hold on the ordinary busyness. There is a time for everything. Right now, for the next thirty minutes, nothing to do other than disengaging the mind from all thoughts about work and other entanglements. 

I get to watch the mind's compulsiveness, the draw from sticky thoughts that keep on coming, and the resulting pain each time. 

Again and again, remembering:

'putting aside greed & distress with reference to the world'

Latching on to the breath for help. Resting the mind in the continuous flow in and out, and the physical sensations around each inhale and exhale. 


  1. Thank you for posting the Sutta, I find the comfort in it as well. A perfect reminder of how to be mindful. Regardless of the current condition, we can always put greed and sorrow aside by focusing on body, mental qualities, feeling or mind in reference to the world.

    It really calms me down knowing this. :)

  2. "There is a time for everything"! This post speaks to where I have been for the past few days. I feel such a sense of restlessness to "DO" and telling myself there is time for everything is what is really helping me stay in the present moment.

    Thanks for this :)
