Saturday, July 24, 2010

Meditation: What It's Like.

A Visual Essay On the Meditative Experience.

Often, I get lost in a cloud,
not seeing beyond the cotton whiteness.

Eventually, I find my way back into the blue sky,
where I can watch a whole bunch of clouds go by:
bright clouds
dark clouds
fuzzy clouds

And once in a while, if I am lucky,
I get a glimpse of just pure sky.


  1. Oh! thank you. I always appreciate your tweets :)

  2. Sigh......of relief. Many thanks for sharing such beauty. Miro

  3. "the moment you share truth it becomes a lie!" that's how east describes Meditation in words!. what you have done is incredible job in trying to share. The biggest challenge in teaching meditation has been to communicate silence in words!

  4. That was very beautiful! :)

  5. Miro, Sunim, Suresh, Metal Buddha, Wes, thank you! I am so glad you could relate. Beauty is even more beautiful, when it is shared!

    With much gratitude,

