Sunday, October 9, 2011

6 Rewards of Loving Kindness Practice

I am a big fan of loving kindness practice. It took me a while, years actually to warm up to it, but now I could not imagine life without it. Today, during his Dharma talk at IMC, Gil gave six reasons to give into metta:

Loving kindness is a way of protecting ourselves - from negative thoughts, ill will, greed,  . . . 
Loving kindness creates social harmony - through our kind thoughts, words, and actions.
Loving kindness helps us sleep better - falling asleep more easily, and waking up more rested. 
Loving kindness acts as reference point to see ourselves better - making it more obvious the things that need to be resolved, the anger that has been festering, etc.
Loving kindness can be used as a concentration practice - helping with fragmentation.
Loving kindness supports the practice of liberation of freedom.

May you be at peace, may you be at ease!


  1. Thanks for this inspiring post Marguerite. I took an eight week course taught by Pema Chodron this summer and much of it focused on loving kindness. Since the class, I haven't practiced this much. This post inspired me to continue doing this on a regular basis. Thank you!

  2. Marguerite,
    I receive your blog via email and today was the first time it occurred to my addled brain to click on "Mind Deep" to get taken over to your site to respond. Your posts are beautiful and thought provoking and great reminders.
    I utilize loving kindness practice frequently; so powerful and so needed for my self and in these times!
    Very Best,
    Mary Sherman

  3. Yes, Nate, loving kindness is one of most misunderstood practices. The words are misleading. It is not about forcing love upon oneself, but rather setting the intention, and directing one's thoughts accordingly. One can experience great fear, or anger, and still practice loving kindness. Actually, these are the times when loving kindness practice is most needed.

  4. Thank you, Mary, and nice to meet you!

    May you be at peace, and at ease :)
