Sunday, November 15, 2009

Keeping It Simple, with Ajahn Anandabodhi

Still giddy, from morning spent with Ajahn Anandabodhi, at IMC. So much joy, I caught from the nun! I remember same exaltation after listening to another nun, Beth Goldring, a few months ago. This is proof enough for me, of the power of intense mindfulness practice . . . I am also left wondering what is it in particular, about women Dharma teachers that resonates so much with me?

Anjhas Metta and Anandabodhi, during visit at IMC

Ajahn Anandabodhi made one point in particular during her talk, that spoke directly to how I have been feeling lately:
The main thing is to be fully present in the moment. What is stopping me from opening to the moment? Possible obstacles, opportunities to practice:
  1. fear of what might happen in the future, in which case, one can just make room for fear and observe it
  2. difficulty taking in all beauty of moment, and possibility of opening to it
  3. challenging times, that can be experienced as opportunities to open the heart
In all, nothing to fear, every moment is good, and opportunity to learn and grow. Buddha points us back to life in this moment as it is.
It is so easy to get lost in the myriad of teachings, when indeed the task at hand is really simple. To be fully open to the moment. That's all.

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